Frequently Asked Questions

What is the point of this website?

When we first started running a vacation rental, we had no idea what we were doing and we made a lot of mistakes. Our hope with this website is to help other first time rental owners to avoid those mistakes and build their own amazing rental spaces.

Are you just recommending the most expensive items to make more money?

Everything recommended on this website is something bought for our personal vacation rentals. If we had a problem with it, we mention it and we want you to be as informed as possible in the purchases you make. That said, it doesn’t pay to buy cheap on rental properties. You want something that will be durable and reliable, which is what we recommend here. We strive for that balance between style, function and price.

I want this thing in a picture you posted but it’s not in the article! Where can I find it?

If there’s something you see in one of our article pictures but can’t find a link for it, please feel free to email us at and we will be happy to answer your questions. Often there are items we find for our own rentals that are unique or limited edition, but we are always happy to help you look for similar quality items.

Is there a way I can talk to someone about my vacation rental?

At the moment we don’t have any program set up for live chats or support but we are in the process of making one. Check back soon! In the meantime feel free to email and we’ll try to answer questions where we can.

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