Dog poised at the door of rental

Let it Go – Guests with Pets

Ideal guests = no pets, no messes, no fur. Reality  = guests who will not travel without their fur babies and a competitive opportunity! Let go of the fear of renting to guests with pets!  In our market in Florida, there are far more vacation rentals that do not allow pets than ones that do. We are pet lovers ourselves, and decided early on that we would allow pets but also that we would not lose money doing so.


The benefits have far exceeded the occasional extra cleaning and the goodwill and positive reviews (not to mention the repeat business) from our guests are well worth it. Here is how we did it:


Charge a pet fee. This is not optional. If there is something with fur, feathers, or scales coming into your property, you need to charge a pet fee. This should be a reasonable fee to cover a few extra hours of cleaning as well as replacing the odd towel or throw rug. This fee is also completely separate from any security deposit.


Have the right tools. We have invested in a vacuum cleaner with the latest in reducing pet dander and other allergens. This attachment is especially handy. For larger messes, and on a regular basis we also deep clean the rugs and upholstery and this carpet cleaner has been a great time and money saver across our multiple units.We also have a section in our information booklet about local pet regulations and nearby dog parks and pet-friendly places.


We also supply poop bags in a not-so-subtle reminder that the yard is not their dog’s responsibility to fertilize.


So let it go and make your guests happy by embracing their fur babies! You have covered your expenses and the competitive advantage is well worth it!

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The Vacation Rentalist


    • Thanks for reading Pamela! I’m glad to hear you enjoy our blog and articles.

  • Hi, this is a great blog! I am just starting out and starting to acquire rentals in the Ocean City, MD area. I find this blog to be such a great starter tool so thank you for that. I do think allowing pets gives you a unique advantage because most places won’t allow them. Do you do your own cleaning or do you have a service take care of it?

    • Hi Carol,

      I’m so glad you enjoy this blog, thank you for reading! We have found that the best way to do cleaning was to find a local service and talk to other vacation rental owners near by to find the best people.

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